Funding & Vouchers

Childcare Vouchers

Under new rules any working parent is eligible to claim childcare vouchers so long as;

The tax savings you can make by using your childcare vouchers with Sport Star are as follows;

Sport Star currently accept the following childcare vouchers:

If there is a childcare voucher scheme you use that isn't one of the providers above please let us know and we can register for which ever childcare voucher scheme you use.


Childcare vouchers from your employer may affect the amount of tax credits you get. This calculator can help you decide if you would be better off taking childcare vouchers or not. It's just a guide and your actual tax credits entitlement is worked out when you make a claim or report a change in circumstances.

Click Here

If you receive childcare vouchers through a provider not listed above please email and we will register with them.


1. On the bookings page select the days your request and on payment select Childcare Vouchers, type in the provider and use your name as the reference.

2. Contact your childcare voucher provider to forward your payment to Sport Star, quoting the relevant REF number if required.

Tax Credits

Dependent on your age, working status and income you could be eligible for either/or both Working Tax Credits and Child Tax Credits to help pay for your childcare with Sport Star.

Do you qualify

Tax Credit Calculator

Childcare Grant

Parents who are in full time higher education (university) may be eligible to receive 85% of your childcare costs. Up to a maximum of £155.24 a week for 1 child and up to £266.15 a week for two children.


  1. You must be a full time higher education (university) student
  2. Your child must be U15
  3. You must be receiving student finance
  4. You must be a permanent resident in England
  5. The child(ren) in the grant application must be financially dependent on you
  6. The grant can only be used on OFSTED registered childcare


  1. Send Student Finance England an estimate of your childcare costs using form CCG1.
  2. Send proof of your child(ren)'s identity and financial dependence on you
  3. You'll be sent a letter telling you how much Childcare Grant you'll get.
  4. During each term, you and your childcare provider must confirm your actual childcare costs using form CCG2.
  5. If the actual childcare costs are higher or lower than your estimated costs, your next payment will be adjusted.

CCG1 Form

CCG2 Form

ALL FORMS ARE SENT TO: Student Finance England, PO Box 210, Darlington, DL1 9HJ